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Joining Community Forces


Joining Community Forces is a community outreach program that connects local service providers to the appropriate local resources, resulting in better support of service members, military families and veterans.

Joining Community Forces FAQs

Joining Community Forces focuses the efforts of local providers with a common goal: to strengthen the local military community.

Because Joining Community Forces work in communities around the country, they are uniquely positioned to find and consolidate the best local resources, and that means providing better and faster assistance to service members, military families and veterans when they need it.

An Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee is a voluntary military cooperative partnership at the regional or state level. It provides a comprehensive view of the needs of service members, military families and veterans within their specific locations, and recommends solutions from the community’s resources.

Goals are to:

  • Strengthen state Inter-Service Family Assistance Committees.
  • Foster a sustainable network of local support.
  • Facilitate governmental/non-governmental, nonprofit, corporate partners and local citizen collaboration.
  • Fill service and information gaps.

A community-centric solution developed through collaboration whereby national, regional, state and local entities partner and exponentially impact support to veterans, service members and families.

To maximize the impact of community resources (civilian and military) to veterans, military members and families in order to build resilience and foster a community network that is both sustainable and relevant.

How to get involved in a community force

Whether you want to create a new community force, join one or improve the community force in your state, you can find what you need to take action.

Image of Hand Light Bulb

Join an established community group

Connect with the Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee or Joining Community Forces Committee in your community. Search the installations directory for community groups in your area.

Create a new community group

If your state does not have an organized community network, and you would like to start one, check out how to establish an Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee or how to find and recruit veterans for community service.

Volunteer in your community

If your community does not have an ISFAC or JCF Committee or you prefer to simply find a volunteer effort that is focused on improving the lives of the members of the military community, then check out volunteer opportunities through the Corporation for National and Community Service.


This national organization has formalized a partner relationship with Joining Community Forces to expand community capacity from within local communities across America.

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