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Understanding the Military Spouse Preference Program

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Military spouses are given certain preferences when applying for Defense Department civilian jobs. With the help of the Military Spouse Preference program, you can build your career as you move with the military. Make sure you’ve confirmed the following when looking for a job after relocating:

  • Eligibility — You must be an accompanied spouse of an active-duty military member with PCS orders, have been married prior to their reporting date to a new duty station and provide a copy of your sponsor’s orders that lists you as a family member.
  • Application Procedures — Contact the human resources office at your new duty station, or visit Military OneSource’s MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to apply for military spouse preference.
  • Vacancy availability — Military spouse preference applies to appropriated fund vacancies in all positions designated for U.S. citizens. Military spouse preference also applies to nonappropriated fund positions at grade NF-3 and below.
  • Usage requirements of military spouse preference — You may apply for positions using your military spouse preference until you either accept or decline a permanent and appropriated or nonappropriated fund position. You will not lose your military spouse preference if you accept or decline a temporary position.

Working for the federal government can be a great choice for your next career move. It provides a variety of career opportunities across several fields. As you search for federal positions, don’t forget about the Priority Placement Program for military spouse preference. The program gives preferences to military spouses applying for certain Defense Department positions.

The benefits of federal jobs include:

  • Portability
  • Working for an employer that understands the needs of a military spouse
  • Ability to qualify for hiring preference for some vacancies

You can also learn more about federal government jobs and the hiring process via the SECO website. The site also provides information regarding applications and resumes.

Get energized about your career. The Military Spouse Preference program can help you find your next job as you move with the military, even when you go overseas. Visit the Spouse Education & Career Opportunities page on searching for federal employment to find your path to a career.

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