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Military and Family Life Counselor Locator

Use this directory to find contact information for your nearest military and family life counselor. Select a country, enter a specific installation or state and click GO. For MFLCs outside of the United States, select a country and click GO to see all installations for that country. You can filter your results by service branch and/or MFLC type.

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About military and family life counseling

Military and family life counselors can help adults and children navigate everyday challenges, including issues related to deployment, stress, moving, relationships, work, the grieving process and more. Adult and child and youth behavioral MFLCs are available in military communities throughout the world.

Types of support

Child and youth behavioral military and family life counselors

Child and youth behavioral military and family life counselors support families. They also augment child and youth programs, Department of Defense Education Activity schools, local education agencies, camps designed for military children and youth, and special operations commands.

Counselors provide confidential counseling, consultation and outreach to eligible faculty, staff, parents, children and youth. They may observe, participate and engage in activities with children and youth; provide coaching, guidance and support to staff and parents; and model behavior-management techniques for staff and parents.

Children under 18 must have written parental consent to receive CYB-MFLC support.

  • Child development center CYB-MFLCs are located at child development centers, where they support children, their families and staff.
  • General CYB-MFLCs are available on and off the installation to support the needs of children and families within the community.
  • School CYB-MFLCs are based at Department of Defense Education Activity schools and local education agencies of all levels on and off the installation during the school year.
  • Youth center CYB-MFLCs are assigned to installation-based youth and teen centers.
  • HealthySteps specialists are located at military treatment facility pediatric clinics.

Adult Military and Family Life Counselors

Adult MFLCs provide confidential counseling to service members, spouses, military couples and non-remarried surviving spouses on or off the installation in person and by phone or video. They also provide group briefings and topic-specific presentations to the military community.

  • Embedded MFLCs are assigned to military units and readily available to offer flexible support.
  • General MFLCs are located at installation Military and Family Support Centers to support the needs of the local community.

How to contact a military and family life counselor

Use the MFLC locator to find phone numbers for every MFLC assigned to your installation, unit, school or other location. Each phone number represents an individual MFLC you can call to discuss the support you need.

Calling OCONUS? Your country code will be displayed for a convenient click-to-call option from international locations. You may be required to dial or omit the provided country code depending on where you are calling from.

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This Directory & Tool is for

Service Member, Spouse

Service Branch

Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, National Guard, Reserves

Talk to Us: Connect with a consultant 24/7/365

Use the MFLC locator to connect with the Military Family Life Counseling program. You can also access confidential counseling, personalized coaching and expert guidance for a range of issues through Military OneSource. Live chat or call 800-342-9647 to speak with a consultant 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Veterans/Military Crisis Line at 988 then press 1, or access the online chat by texting 838255.

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