Home Moving & PCS Settling in After Moving

Settling in After Moving

Tap into your new community. Discover ways to get settled and into the swing of things quickly at your new installation.

After months of planning and preparing for your PCS, you’ve finally arrived at your new destination. Military OneSource can help you tap into your new community so you can get settled and into the swing of things more quickly.

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airman with sponsor

Sponsorship and Getting Settled at Your New Duty Station

Learn about available resources to help you get settled at your new duty station.

Listen to the Podcast

Official Military OneSource Website


If you are looking for installation-specific information, check out this website.

Military OneSource Services for Settling in After Moving

Still Need Help? Connect with an expert 24/7/365

We get MilLife and we’re here 24/7 to connect you to the right kind of expert guidance — from quick answers about specific issues, to personalized coaching, to confidential counseling.

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