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Domestic Abuse: Pet Safety


Our pets provide us with great comfort and are part of the family. Unfortunately, that love between a family and a pet may be used by an abusive person to inflict emotional abuse and control their partner.

According to Defense Department Instruction 6400.06, when domestic abuse incidents are evaluated, one of the factors considered to assess risk is whether or not the abuser is suspected to have “abused or killed a pet belonging to the family or the victim.”

Military Protection Orders and Pets

If concerns for your pet’s safety are keeping you from seeking help for abuse, know that you have options for protection.

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Pet safety

Sadly, there’s a connection between animal abuse and domestic abuse. Maltreatment or abuse of a family pet can cause a partner to be afraid to leave their abuser.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s article on pet safety states that “as many as 65% of domestic violence victims are unable to escape abusive situations because they’re concerned about what will happen to their pets.” With this in mind, they offer numerous tips for those experiencing abuse to help keep their family pet safe.

A military protection order is the military version of a restraining order. Once a victim decides to make an unrestricted report of domestic abuse, a military commander can issue an MPO. Within the MPO form, the person experiencing abuse may request to include their pet as protected property. To learn more about MPOs, visit Domestic Abuse Help — Military Protection Orders and Pets.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and are seeking help, visit the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator to find your nearest Family Advocacy Program office, or contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 to be connected with an advocate and receive immediate emotional support and safety planning.

Image of Peer-to-Peer Support

Connect with the Family Advocacy Program.

FAP directly provides or coordinates a range of services for individuals and families impacted by abuse and neglect. FAP services are available for service members, their partners and family members who are eligible for treatment at a military treatment facility. FAP staff are professionally trained in abuse prevention and response and offer a range of services and programs.

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