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Military Spouse Jobs Overseas

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You’ve just found out you’re moving overseas. You’re shaking up your world, and new possibilities and experiences await you. Perhaps a new job awaits you, too. As soon as you know about your move, it’s time to start the research, so you can enter the market there job-ready.

Free job-related legal assistance for military spouses

A change in policy means you can receive free legal assistance to help you navigate complicated rules that affect spouse employment and telework overseas. Executive Order 14100, “Advancing Economic Security for Military and Veteran Spouses, Military Caregivers, and Survivors” directs military departments to amend their legal assistance instructions “to allow for consultation, advice, and assistance to military families on Status of Forces Agreements and other agreements with host nations affecting family employment.”

When U.S. forces are stationed in other countries, typically the host nations and the U.S. sign a Status of Forces Agreement or another written agreement that could affect military spouse employment and how their income may be taxed.

Since legal assistance is limited to these agreements, which vary by country, the legal assistance office on your overseas installation is a great option if you need help or use the Armed Forces Legal Assistance Locator to find your nearest legal assistance office. Country-specific legal assistance fact sheets can be found here.

Here are some questions to ask during your legal visit:

  1. Does the host government require a work permit to work on the installation, off the installation or both?
  2. If you get a work permit from the host nation for a local civilian job, will it affect your SOFA-protected privileges?
  3. Does the SOFA or another agreement prioritize hiring certain groups of people, such as local nationals over military dependents?
  4. What privileges do military spouses have under the SOFA that are different from those of host nation citizens?
  5. Can military spouses telework for U.S. companies while in the host nation?
  6. How will income be taxed according to the SOFA?
  7. Are there any other restrictions on employment in the SOFA or host nation agreement?

Note that legal assistance is limited to your personal affairs and doesn’t extend to help with establishing or keeping a small business overseas.

MSEP and SECO help you hit the ground running

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership, or MSEP, can connect you with employers worldwide who are interested in providing you with long-term, meaningful employment opportunities. The Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, or SECO, program offers one-on-one career coaching focused on the unique experience of working overseas. Through the Working Overseas Coaching Package, learn techniques and resources to move your career overseas. When you start searching for a job, keep these six tips in mind:

  1. Keep an open mind: Be willing to think outside of your current career. Even a volunteer position or a job that doesn’t initially pique your interest can lead to a new career path.
  2. Network: Take advantage of any connections you may have overseas, even before you move. You never know who could open career doors for you.
  3. Be financially prepared: Prepare to live without a second income for an extended period of time. It can take up to six months to find a job overseas.
  4. Research the job market: Gather as much information as you can before you move. Visit installation websites and consider all your options: civil service employment, on-installation employment, defense contract work and off-installation employment.
  5. Branch out: Moving to a joint services area? Contact other service branches to learn about their opportunities. If your spouse is a Marine, for example, you may be able to take advantage of job opportunities on a nearby Air Force installation.
  6. Be creative: Now is the time to be open to possibilities. You may want to consider telecommuting, starting your own home-based business or going back to school.

The Military Spouse Preference program

With the help of the Military Spouse Preference program, you could be eligible for certain preferences when applying for Defense Department civilian jobs, including civil service careers overseas. Learn how to find portable employment overseas.

Contact the human resources office at your new duty station or visit Military OneSource’s MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to apply for the Priority Placement Program for military spouses.

Working on the installation

Depending on your interests and skills, there could be job opportunities on your new installation. Be sure to check the installation’s website for job listings.

Flexible jobs, telecommuting and home businesses

Be open to the possibility of working a nontraditional career:

  • Home business: Be sure to consider any licenses, permits or housing requirements you may need. Meet with the family service center or legal assistance office at your installation to make sure you’re covering all your bases.
  • Virtual work: Moving overseas might be the perfect opportunity to develop a telecommuting career.
  • Volunteer work: Volunteering is a great way to test out new career tracks, learn about your new community and meet new friends. It can often be a great way to break into a new field and potentially earn a paying position.

Moving overseas could open up new and exciting opportunities. Just remember to prepare, give yourself time to get settled and investigate all your options. Also, remember that the MSEP Job Search on MySECO is always available to help connect you with employers worldwide.

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