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Military OneSource Podcast Series

Military OneSource Podcast Military OneSource podcasts are a simple way to connect to your best MilLife. They can help you live your best military life, overcome challenges and thrive.

Turn to the Military OneSource podcast for information, tools and resources on topics unique to the military, like spouse employment, families with special needs, deployment, relocation, finances, parenting and more.

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Most Recent Episodes

What You Need to Know About PCSing With Pets

Learn how the Defense Department and Air Mobility Command provide comfort and safety when PCSing your pet, steps to take to ensure pet health, and financial support for both CONUS and OCONUS moves.

Making Your Final Wishes Known

Learn how the MilLife Learning course, “Making Your Final Wishes Known,” can help military and nonmilitary personnel understand how to ensure that their final wishes are carried out upon their death.

Your Mental Health Matters: Understanding Non-medical Counseling

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and non-medical counseling is the top reason why service members and family members call Military OneSource. Learn about non-medical counseling, who is eligible, how it works and more.

Keeping Your Relationship Strong During Deployment: A MilSpouse Perspective

Learn tips and resources to help manage the phases of deployment — including creating new traditions, setting personal and family goals, and giving yourself grace — from a seasoned MilSpouse.

Military Child Care Overview: Accessibility, Availability and Affordability

This initial episode of a planned series about military child care and fee assistance provides an overview of the Defense Department’s military child care system.

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Learn about virtual events in May designed by the Defense Department to provide military spouses with tools and resources to boost their careers.

Managing Relationship Stress

Get tips and learn about free resources that can help military couples address common sources of relationship stress and strengthen their bonds.

Parenting Through a PCS — Caregiver Resources and Tips

Moving as a parent can add considerations and challenges to the PCS process. Discover tips and tools, including confidential counseling, to help you handle the different emotions of family members.

Supporting Youth and Teens During Deployment

Deployment can affect children, youth and teens differently from family to family. Learn about support that helps military families cope with all phases of deployment.

Engaged Parenting for MilParents

Learn ways you can connect with your child, including how taking walks with your toddler can improve their language skills, as well as how to connect with your teenager on a personal level.

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship

Learn about the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, which provides up to $4,000 to eligible military spouses for education or training to pursue an occupation or career field.

Embrace the Sun: Explore the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse With NASA

Listen to this podcast to learn about NASA-sponsored activities and events surrounding the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse. Discover its deep importance and its ability to bring your community together.

Finding Passion and Purpose in the Stories of Military-Connected Youth With Ahsha B.

Learn how installation youth centers and mentorship can inspire military-connected youth to find value, meaning and purpose in their stories and support each other along the way.

Tips for Parents to Talk About Mental Health

Learn how parents can help their children navigate challenges with mental health, and how one military youth dealt with mental health concerns while growing up in the community.

Strengthening Family and Community Bonds With Sesame Street for Military Families

Learn how resources from Sesame Street for Military Families and Military OneSource can help families navigate loneliness by building connections with the community and each other.

Commissary CLICK2GO

Discover Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s online service for ordering groceries. Schedule free curbside pickup and use the app for meal planning, food budgeting and nutrition goals.

Survivor Benefit Plan Eligibility Verification Updates

Learn how the Defense Finance Accounting Service has simplified the annual eligibility verifications for Survivor Benefit Plan annuitants.

Intel for Tax Season From a MilTax Consultant

Learn how a free MilTax consultant can help maximize your tax refunds by ensuring you receive every tax benefit your military service entitles you to.

Voting While in the Military

Learn about the Defense Department's Federal Voting Assistance Program, ensuring that service members and eligible family members stationed away from home can vote from their current location.

Transition Assistance Program

Learn about the Transition Assistance Program and its crucial role in supporting service members and their families during the period of transitioning out of the military.

Learn about military bases worldwide. Get installation overviews, check-in procedures, housing, neighborhood information, contacts for programs and services, photos and more.

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