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Family & Child Care

Child Care Aware® of America

Benefit overview

Child Care Aware® of America works with a national network of more than 400 child care resource and referral agencies and other partners to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable childcare. Child Care Aware of America leads projects that increase the quality and availability of child care, conducts research and advocates for child care policies that positively impact the lives of children and families. Child Care Aware of America also provides child care assistance for military families through fee assistance and respite child care programs.

How this benefit helps

Child Care Aware of America helps military families by administering child care fee assistance, saving eligible military families money. In addition, respite care services can provide caregivers a short-term break, improving family stability and reducing the risk of abuse or neglect.

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Explore child care fee assistance through Child Care Aware®.

Child Care Aware administers fee assistance provides eligible military families with financial assistance to cover the cost of child care.

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Let Child Care Aware® help give you a break with respite care.

The Respite Care program from Child Care Aware provides military parents and other care givers with short-term child services for temporary relief.

How to access this benefit

From the Child Care Aware of America website, select your branch of service for more information on eligible programs and assistance.

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