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Family & Child Care

Local Title V Program

Benefit overview

The Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program is a partnership between the federal government and states. Title V supports the health and well-being of all mothers and children, including children with special health care needs and their families. In every state, you’ll find services for children under 18 with special health care needs, which are funded by Title V of the Social Security Act. Eligibility is determined by age, medical criteria and income.

How this benefit helps

Title V helps families by providing funding for programs and services that support pregnant women, infants and children, including children with disabilities.

Image of Parenting Hands

Title V programs support women, infants and children

Title V funds a wide range of programs in your state that support pregnant women, infants and children, including children with disabilities.

Title V programs assist with:

  • Delivery of health services: Organization and delivery of health care services that meet the emotional, social and developmental needs of children.
  • Development of health care plan: Integration of families into all aspects of developing and updating the health care plan.
  • Support for families: Assistance in finding alternatives and choices that meet the needs of your family.
  • Facilitation of professional collaboration: Assisting in the planning, implementing and evaluating programs and related policies.

How to access this benefit

Visit the Title V website or call the national toll-free number at 800-311-2229 to select a state, find contact information and learn more about its programs.


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