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Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers

Benefit overview

The Unemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemembers program, or UCX, provides benefits for eligible ex-military personnel and former members of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. The program is administered by the states as agents of the federal government.

Veterans who were on active duty may be entitled to benefits based on that service if they were separated under honorable conditions. The law of the state (under which the claim is filed) determines benefit amounts, number of weeks benefits can be paid and other eligibility conditions.

How this benefit helps

This benefit helps veterans and their families by:

  • Providing additional financial resources while a veteran is unemployed
  • Helping to relieve some financial uncertainty during periods of unemployment
Image of Checklist

Unemployment Compensation can provide the bridge until your next job.

Sometimes, you are unemployed at no fault of your own. It can be difficult to make ends meet while you look for your next job. Use the UCX program to help bridge that time between jobs.

How to access this benefit

You should contact your State Workforce Agency as soon as possible after discharge. It may be helpful to have a copy of your service and discharge documents (DD-214 or similar form) when you open your claim. In many states, you may file your claim by telephone and/or internet.

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