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Federal Student Aid


Federal Student Aid, part of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. At the office of Federal Student Aid, more than 1,400 employees assist more than 10 million students each year.

Federal Student Aid manages the financial assistance programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. These programs provide grant, work-study and loan funds to students attending college or career school.

A Better FAFSA® Form

Visit the Federal Student Aid website to see important updates that expand aid eligibility for Pell Grants and streamline the FAFSA® application process.

Federal Student Aid ensures students and their families can benefit from these programs by:

  • Informing students and families about available federal student aid programs. Help with the process for applying and receiving aid from those programs.
  • Developing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form. Process more than 17.6 million FAFSA forms each year.
  • Accurately disbursing, reconciling and accounting for all federal student aid funds. Funds are delivered to students each year through about 5,600 colleges and career schools.
  • Managing the outstanding federal student loan portfolio and securing repayment from federal student loan borrowers.
  • Offering free assistance to students, parents and borrowers throughout the financial aid process.
  • Providing oversight and monitoring of all program participants — schools, financial entities and students.

Ensuring compliance with the laws, regulations and policies governing the federal student aid programs

How to access the website

Visit the Federal Student Aid website to learn about the better FAFSA® Form, loans and grants, loan repayment and loan forgiveness.

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