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SECO and MSEP 101


The Defense Department’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program was created for military spouses to connect them with tools and resources, including education and training help, career coaching and exploration, and career connections.

Check out the Military Spouse Employment Partnership. It’s part of the SECO program and connects employers with educated, trained and qualified military spouses like you. Access job listings and featured hot jobs, MSEP partners and more.

The SECO program: What’s in it for you?

Make connections. Stay informed. Get hired. That’s what the SECO program is all about. On the MySECO website, you’ll find resources and tools related to:

  • Exploring careers and your own skills
  • Education, training and licensing options
  • Getting yourself workplace ready
  • Networking and finding jobs
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Entrepreneurship Guidance
  • Comprehensive career coaching servicesSECO career coaches offer military spouses free specialty consultations six days a week. You can also take advantage of the many career coaching packages to help meet your unique needs. To schedule an appointment with a SECO career coach, call 800-342-9647.
  • Online career coach discussions: Career coaches will answer your employment questions on Facebook during Career Coach Live events. Network with other military spouses and learn tips from experts to help you succeed. Topics cover everything from scholarships and finding the right school to professional etiquette and turning perceived obstacles into strengths.
  • Explore the labor market: Check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook to learn about job descriptions, work environments, educational and licensing requirements and salaries.
  • Build your resume: What do employers want to see? MySECO gives you samples and an easy-to-use template from the information in your profile. Be sure to use the Resume Builder for a simple method of developing the perfect resume based on information in your MySECO Account Profile.
  • SECO Scholarship Finder: Find scholarships on a site you can trust. You can also use the database to search for opportunities for your college-bound kids.
  • Self-assessments: Access your values and skills with powerful tools that will help you explore the career or education path that best suits your personal journey.
  • LinkedIn Premium upgrade: Military spouses can upgrade to LinkedIn Premium for free  during a PCS or separation from the military. This year-long offer allows spouses to begin their job hunt and build networks as soon as they receive orders.

Some features on MySECO are available only to authenticated users. So take time to register today and begin your journey to learn, advance and succeed.

Visit SECO

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership has more than 600 partner companies and organizations that have hired in excess of 250,000 military spouses since 2011 and 40,000 since October 2021. The MSEP Job Search on MySECO lists hundreds of thousands of active jobs from around the world. Highlights include:

  • Active jobs: The Job Search feature connects you with open jobs by job title, location, industry, partner and more. You can even search for telework jobs and work-from-home opportunities.
  • Hot jobs: View jobs that need to be filled immediately and read a quick summary of the position on the homepage.
  • MSEP Candidate Search: Allow MSEP partners looking for employees to directly search for you by opting into the MSEP Candidate Search from your account settings.

Visit MSEP

Connect with a career coach

A coach can help you at any stage of your career — from looking for the right school to connecting with potential employers. Contact a SECO career coach at 800-342-9647, or use the Live Chat feature in the header of the MySECO website for additional guidance.

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