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Online Learning

Family Advocacy Program Training


The courses below provide training for clinicians and service providers to reinforce the prevention and response components for child abuse and neglect and domestic abuse.

The courses highlight how clinicians will evaluate risk and develop management strategies to prevent future abuse, as well as ways service providers can support service members, their partners and families who may be experiencing child abuse and neglect and/or domestic abuse.

Review more about the courses in the following descriptions and start taking them today.

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These courses support the family area of your MilLife.

holding hands
This course was developed to help Family Advocacy Program staff to better understand the Intimate Partner Physical Injury Risk Assessment Tool, or IPPI-RAT, and how it should be used it to evaluate risk and develop management strategies to prevent future abuse.
Length: 1 hour
woman at desk
This course was developed for customer service providers and gives an overview of the Family Advocacy Program and the various services it provides, how to recognize signs of child abuse and neglect and domestic abuse, and how to safely communicate and offer FAP-related resources.
Length: 30 minutes

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