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Military Family Programs Courses


The MilFam 101 curriculum was developed in collaboration with the Office of Military Community and Family Policy, the service branches, joint service providers and university partners.

The courses are designed to give a high-level overview of programs and services within the Military Family Readiness System and provide core competency training for family readiness service providers and other personnel such as unit leaders, spouses and volunteers who support service members and their families. Course content encourages integrated service delivery, referrals and warm hand-offs.

MilFam101 is available online, at no cost, through MilLife Learning. There are 20 self-paced and engaging courses in all. You can participate in the full suite of courses or select certain ones based on your training plan, needs, goals or interests.

Training action plans tailored to each course are available to extend your learning by helping you capture your goals and identify next steps, resources and people who can help you. The training action plan can be used as your own personal tool or can be easily integrated into your existing training or professional development plan.

Review more about the courses in the following descriptions and start taking them today.

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These courses support the career, family and mind areas of your MilLife.

Military Mom Kisses daughter
Wondering what the MilFam 101 courses can teach you? Take this introduction to learn about what is covered in the three distinct training tracks. Whether you are a new service provider, leader, unit volunteer or just interested in understanding military family readiness, this course is for you.
Length: 10 minutes
Learn how military family readiness addresses the complex challenges of military life. This course explores key components of integrated social services delivery within the Military Family Readiness System and how service providers support it.
Length: 40 minutes
Learn about the performance management strategy and how it contributes to consistency and quality of military family readiness programs. Explore how service providers fit into the equation.
Length: 10 minutes
Are you a military family readiness service provider looking to increase your knowledge and skills but aren’t sure where to start? Watch this quick overview to learn about the core competencies covered in the MilFam 101 track two courses.
Length: 10 minutes
sergeant takes phone call
Communication is a critical skill. This course provides basic elements of effective communication you can use in both personal and professional settings. You’ll take away tips and techniques you can put into practice today.
Length: 30 minutes
Learn about skills to enhance your ability to understand your clients and their needs. This interactive course will help you develop skills to understand your client, establish boundaries and rapport, and use assessment strategies and tools.
Length: 30 minutes
admin helps client
Crisis can result from a variety of life events. Military families live with the possibility of crisis on a daily basis. Learn techniques you can use to help you assess and stabilize a client’s situation, provide short-term crisis management and follow up with clients in crisis.
Length: 30 minutes
Collaboration is key to integrated support and building community capacity. Help military families by learning how to develop your collaboration and relationship-building skills with this fun and interactive course.
Length: 30 minutes
Spouses embracing
Caring for others draws on internal strengths and compassion. Providing care and support to others can be both rewarding and stressful. Discover the signs of compassion fatigue and learn how to prevent and address it.
Length: 30 minutes
Take this course to enhance your skills in facilitation and briefing. You’ll learn how to make the most of your presentations and connect with your audience. If you want to learn about techniques you can use to engage more deeply with your audience, this course is for you.
Length: 20 minutes
Learn more about the MilFam 101 track three courses with this introduction. You will learn how the track three courses help develop an understanding of programs that contribute to the integrated support the Military Family Readiness System provides.
Length: 10 minutes
Learn how military family readiness service providers contribute to Emergency Family Assistance. Explore the components of Emergency Family Assistance to include planning, coordination of services, activation of Emergency Family Assistance Centers, and real world examples.
Length: 45 minutes
Learn about the Defense Department’s commitment to providing consistent, high-quality support to military families with special needs. Explore the EFMP Family Support component to include services, strategies, family needs assessment and services planning. You will learn how these elements provide critical support to military families.
Length: 40 minutes
Learn about the Family Advocacy Program, an integral part of the Military Family Readiness System. Explore how we all play an important role in preventing violence and abuse. You’ll learn about the continuum of services that build on individual and family strengths, increase protective factors and promote safety and well-being.
Length: 50 minutes
Financial readiness is a critical component of military readiness. Explore financial readiness tools and services such as the financial action plan, mandatory education touch points, education and counseling and consumer protection and advocacy.
Length: 50 minutes
Use this course to learn about military family transition programs and support services. Explore three major military and family transitions — relocation, transitioning from military service to civilian life and the phases of deployment. Discover how military family readiness is designed to support the unique needs of service members and families.
Length: 45 minutes
Learn how volunteers contribute to the military mission. Explore volunteer management principles, recognition and retention efforts, and the various aspects of recruitment, training and supervision.
Length: 30 minutes
Discover how confidential counseling services address personal and family issues so they do not detract from mission readiness. Explore the strengths-based counseling support available for free to service members and their families, designed to increase individual and family member competencies and confidence.
Length: 50 minutes
couple receives support
Explore how employment-readiness resources help military service members and their families navigate the mobile military lifestyle, promote positive adjustment, and contribute to financial readiness and military retention. Learn about services that help build employment-related skills and assist with access to education, career planning, preparation and support.
Length: 40 minutes
Explore how information and referral, as a stand-alone or integrated throughout the Military Family Readiness System, is essential to helping develop new skills, address challenges and locate and utilize services to meet needs. Learn how information and referral connects people to resources and services both on and off installation.
Length: 30 minutes

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