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Accessing Your Online Survivor Benefits Reports

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Eligible survivors across all military branches coping with the loss of a service member are entitled to numerous benefits, which can be reviewed through the interactive Online Survivor Benefits Report program.

The program, sponsored by the Casualty, Mortuary Affairs, and Military Funeral Honors Military Community and Family Policy Office, can help you:

  • Determine the benefits you’re eligible for.
  • Plan for your financial future.

The reports are interactive and summarize current financial benefits and project future benefits from all federal sources, including:

  • The Defense Department
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs
  • The Social Security Administration

A casualty assistance officer provides the initial Online Survivor Benefits Report to you, the eligible surviving spouse and dependent children. You can access this initial report online for six months.

The interactive OSBRs allow you to input “what if” changes to your — and your family members’ — education, employment, disability and marital status. You can also save and print the reports to reference at a future date.

Long-Term Care Info

Read about other resources such as your service’s long-term care program.

To gain access to the reports:

  1. Provide your DS Logon username to the OSBR Family Assistance Support Team.
  2. Click on your service branch link below. (MyArmyBenefits and MyAirForceBenefits users will need to click on Casualty and Survivor Assistance on the homepage of the website they are directed to.) From there, you will click on the interactive OSBR link and proceed to DS Logon.
    MyAirForceBenefits (also for Space Force)
  3. Once you are logged in to your DS Logon you can view your current report and run “what if” scenarios.

For assistance in accessing the initial or interactive OSBRs or for any other questions about the reports, survivors may contact the OSBR FAST by calling 877-827-2471 or by emailing

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