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TRICARE’s Options for Opioid Treatment

Opioid Presentation

TRICARE mental health and substance use disorder services provide a full range of treatments, including outpatient programs and options for opioid treatment.

Military mental health and substance use disorder benefits

Benefits and treatment options may have changed or expanded since you last looked through your TRICARE benefits. Here’s what you need to know about what’s available:

  • A wide variety of substance use disorder treatment options: SUD options include opioid treatment programs and office-based opioid treatment, as well as emergency inpatient hospital services. Office visits with qualified TRICARE-authorized providers may include coverage of medications for opioid addiction.
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  • Fewer limits on number of treatments: There are no longer limits on the number of times beneficiaries can get SUD treatment, smoking cessation counseling or outpatient treatment per week. TRICARE also removed a previous requirement for authorization after the eighth outpatient mental health or SUD visit.
  • Lower copayments and cost-shares: Non-active-duty dependent beneficiaries, retirees, family members and survivors pay lower copayments and cost-shares for mental health and SUD care than previously required. See the full list of updated mental health copayments and cost-shares on the TRICARE website.
  • More TRICARE-authorized provider options: A streamlined process for providers and facilities means more options for TRICARE beneficiaries.

These options complement traditionally existing TRICARE-covered treatments, including:

  • Emergency and non-emergency inpatient hospitalization
  • Psychiatric residential treatment center care for children
  • Inpatient/residential SUD care
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Outpatient and office-based mental health and SUD treatment

For more information on services and treatment options for mental health and SUD, you can visit the Mental Health Care section of the TRICARE website. If you need extra assistance or are unsure of which services you or a family member may qualify for, don’t hesitate to reach out to Military OneSource for clarity and context – we’re here to help, however and whenever you need assistance.

Read More About Mental Health in the Military

Mental health is just as important as physical fitness for service members and their families to stay mission-ready. Read on to learn the signs of impending mental illness, as well as treatment options available to service members.

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