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Service members hold hands in comfort

Military Leaders Healthy Connections Toolkit

This toolkit provides prevention and response resources for child abuse and neglect and domestic abuse.


Relationships and parenting can be challenging, especially with the added stress of military life. Sometimes, these partner and family relationships can be unhealthy and even abusive.

Whether your service member is dating, married or co-parenting, the Family Advocacy Program is available to individuals and couples for counseling services, parenting education and advocacy support. Learn how you can help military families in your command.

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Contact FAP or NPSP

The Family Advocacy Program and New Parent Support Program provide groups, classes, counseling, home visitation services and more to build healthy communication and positive parenting skills. If you are concerned that a member of your unit or their partner is in an unhealthy relationship or needs parenting education, or if you have a suspicion that abuse is occurring, reach out.

Family Advocacy Program

Army couple talks to counselor

The Defense Department’s Family Advocacy Program supports you as a military leader in promoting positive parenting and healthy relationships within your unit. When your service members are equipped with the resources and support they need to be great parents and partners, they can focus on the mission.

To make a referral for healthy relationship resources, or if you’re concerned someone may be experiencing abuse, contact your nearest FAP office for help.

Understand How FAP Works

The Family Advocacy Program supports active-duty service members, their spouses, partners and families. Its mission is to prevent adult-initiated abuse, ensure victim safety and provide treatment for those impacted by abuse through advocacy, counseling and educational services that promote healthy relationships and parenting.

Be Prepared

Keep this downloadable contact card with you at all times to quickly reference how to support victims and who to call for help.

Share Resources to Strengthen Military Families

Rally the troops and act now to help military families in your community. Together, we can help make sure everyone in our military community is safe and healthy. These resources can help:

Do you know someone in crisis?

If you’re concerned about someone’s safety or need immediate support, act now.

While not affiliated with the Defense Department, these hotlines connect you with local resources.

Stay Informed

These resources can help those in unhealthy relationships:

Don’t miss out on the resources available to help those in your command. Sign up below to receive email updates from Military OneSource when new information becomes available.

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