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Preparing for Your Deployment


Life in the military is about being ready for deployment. You may be duty-ready, but don’t overlook preparations on the homefront. Take the following steps to help you and your family get organized for deployment.

Organize your finances

During your deployment, you may be eligible for military pay entitlements such as a family separation allowance or combat pay. This is an ideal time to save money, pay off debt or just tidy up your finances. Meeting with a personal finance specialist can be a great way to make sure you understand your entitlements and benefits and get the most out of your money so you can meet your financial goals.

Prepare your family and children

The Military Family and Readiness System provides a wide variety of deployment support for service members and families, from predeployment briefings to family readiness group meetings and more. Contact your installation Military and Family Support Center for information on deployment support programs and services.

Create a family care plan

An important part of preparing your family for deployment is to create a family care plan. Family care plans are designed to provide caregivers with all the right information to keep the household running smoothly while you’re gone. Plans usually include details about child care, school, medical care and family activities, as well as all necessary contacts.

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Family care plans are designed to provide caregivers with all the necessary information to keep the household running smoothly in your absence — including details about child care, school, medical care, family activities and contacts.

Cancelled or postponed deployments

The military is full of changes. You can be gearing up for a deployment and then get orders that your mission is canceled or postponed. That’s why contingency planning is part of deployment planning.

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Cancelled or postponed deployments

Learn more about the importance of contingency planning in the event of a cancelled or postponed deployment.

Reach out for support

If you have questions or need help finding information, Military OneSource consultants are available 24/7/365 to connect you with the answers and resources you need.

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Contact a Military OneSource consultant.

Resources, benefits and support services to prepare for your deployment

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