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Liaison Connects Families with TRICARE Services

Woman filling out paperwork at desk

To help families with special needs get the most benefit from their health care coverage, the Department of Defense Office of Special Needs includes a TRICARE liaison on its team. The liaison helps families navigate TRICARE to find the information and services they need.

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The TRICARE liaison can help with issues such as enrollment, benefits, claims, debt collection, provision of services at military treatment facilities, as well as finding civilian medical and dental resources. This service is free to military members and their families anywhere in the world, whether they are enrolled in TRICARE East, TRICARE West, TRICARE for Life, TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select.

The TRICARE liaison can be contacted by appointment only. You can request an appointment through your installation EFMP Family Support staff or Military OneSource special needs consultants. Either way, the EFMP Family Support or specialty consultation staff will work with you to get your questions answered as quickly as possible. If help is needed beyond their ability to assist, you will be offered a three-way call connecting you to the TRICARE liaison, who can:

  • Provide inside information and resources beyond what EFMP staff or a consultant may have.
  • Explain different policies and options to help families make informed choices.
  • Help families navigate TRICARE: who to speak to, what to do and where to start.
  • Assist with the appeals process for denied claims.

The TRICARE liaison has extensive experience with TRICARE and disabilities care issues and, if needed, can provide direct assistance to your situation.

For more information, contact your installation EFMP Family Support Staff or a Military OneSource special needs consultant at 800-342-9647 or by live chat.

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