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Association of Defense Communities – March 2023


We know that by working directly with policymakers like you, we can ensure each of our programs meet the needs of not just service members, but also reinforce their support systems — spouses, families and caregivers — who are so important to maintaining the military ecosystem.

    — Mrs. Patricia Barron

Meet the DASD

As the DASD for MC&FP, Patricia Barron is responsible for policy, advocacy and oversight of all community support to service members and their families.

The Defense Department is committed to Taking Care of Our Service Members and Families. At the Association of Defense Communities National Summit, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy Patricia Barron outlined actions the Defense Department is taking to help strengthen the economic security and stability of our service members and their families.

Specifically, actions aim to support military spouse employment, improve child care availability and ease the process of relocation. By removing barriers to success in these areas, the DOD better positions every military family to pursue their best MilLife.

Expanding Support for Military Spouse Employment

Barriers to military spouse employment include frequent moves, challenges with licensure transfers, and employers reluctant to hire workers who might need to relocate again soon. The Defense Department has taken several steps to help mitigate these factors and looks forward to making further progress through ongoing collaboration.

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is a targeted recruitment and employment initiative, creating employment connections that provide companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities, and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively recruiting. Learn about the current membership and recent efforts to recruit more employer partners.

The Defense Department launched a 12-week paid fellowship program to expand employment opportunities for eligible military spouses. Military spouses accepted into the program will gain placement with host companies that match their location and work experience, among other factors. Spouses will receive in-person or professional training and mentoring. At the end of the fellowship, host companies may invite spouses to join their organization as a direct hire. Learn more about the pilot program.

The Department is taking several actions to support licensure portability and compacts so that military spouses have an easier time putting their skills to work. There are 14 different occupational licensure compacts currently being considered by states for approval. Learn more about military spouse licensure initiatives and see the status of different efforts.

Expanding Support for Military Families

We’re taking action to make sure military families have the support they need to stay strong and resilient. The DOD stands ready to collaborate with state policymakers and community advocates to expand the reach of these initiatives and make a tangible, positive impact for our military families.

We know that military families are having trouble finding affordable, licensed child care that meets their needs. In many cases, military family child care providers must have state licensing or registration in addition to military requirements. By exempting providers already certified through the military, states enhance the economic status of both the providers and families. Learn more about child care provider licensure exemption best practices, read discussion points and see the state legislation status tracker.

The Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood fee assistance program, MCCYN-PLUS, has expanded and is now available in eight locations. The DOD created MCCYN-PLUS to bridge the gap in locations where accredited care is unavailable. This initiative utilizes the states’ Quality Rating and Improvement Systems, or QRIS, as an indicator of provider quality in lieu of national accreditation, broadening the pool of providers eligible to receive fee assistance on behalf of military families. Learn more about efforts to make affordable, convenient child care more broadly available for military families.

The Child Care in Your Home pilot program provides fee assistance to service members who utilize in-home child care providers and covers full-time care for a minimum of 30 hours to a maximum of 60 hours of child care weekly. Care is not limited to Monday through Friday or time of day. This allows in-home providers, such as nannies, to be used for rotating shifts and weekend care to meet the nontraditional schedules of military families.

Furthering its commitment to provide additional child care options to meet the needs of service members and military families, the DOD has expanded Year 2 of the Child Care in Your Home fee assistance program into additional markets with long waitlists and high demand in order to grant fee assistance for families that have determined that full-time child care in their home is the best solution to meet their needs. See the list of newly eligible areas.

We’ve also increased investment in existing programs to support our military families:

  • More Child Care Options
    We’ve expanded child care options. Parents now have free access to a nationally-known subscription service database of over a million caregivers so they can find child care that meets their specific needs.
  • More Capacity at CDCs
    We’re sponsoring Come Grow With Us, an outreach initiative that aims to increase the capacity of child development centers by recruiting more people to work in military child and youth centers. We’re also adding a fee discount to attract and incentivize more applicants.

Let’s Work Together

We invite our partners to explore the Defense-State Liaison Office 2023 Key Issues, use the associated resources and reach out to the Defense-State Liaison Office with any questions. When we muster our might and focus on our shared goals, we can achieve remarkable victories for our military community.


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