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PodCast Episode

Explaining Gaps in Your Work History

16 MinutesJune 22, 2023
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Explaining Gaps in Your Work History
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Military life can disrupt employment for spouses due to frequent moves, solo parenting during deployments and other factors. Hear ways to minimize the gaps in your resume and highlight your strengths to potential employers.

Host Bruce Moody speaks with Kristina Santos, a career coach with the Defense Department Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program. SECO provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide throughout all stages of their career progression.

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Find the Resume Builder, information about the free On-Demand Resume Review service and more on the MySECO website. Connect with a SECO career coach at 800-342-9647.

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Military life topics including deployment, PCS, recreation, relationships, finances, parenting, etc.

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