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PodCast Episode

How School Liaisons Can Help With Special Education

18 MinutesJuly 25, 2023
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How School Liaisons Can Help With Special Education
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Learn how the School Liaison Program provides support for all education-related matters for military-connected students from pre-K through 12th grade — including help with special education needs. School liaisons are available on all military installations and offer transition assistance to military-connected students and families, including help with school selection, credit transfer, youth sponsorship referrals and more. School liaisons also assist with referrals to the Defense Department Exceptional Family Member Program and help families navigate their school’s special education department and other local resources.

Share your feedback about this podcast as well as ideas for future episodes by visiting the Military OneSource Podcast Feedback Form.


For more information about School Liaison Program support, use the locator tool on the MilitaryINSTALLATIONS website to find your local program office.

You can also contact your service branch School Liaison Program through the following email addresses:


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