Survey Findings

The Defense Department regularly surveys service members and their families to better understand how they experience military life. Topics covered include overall well-being, stress, financial health, family life and the impact of deployments.

Current Survey Findings

2023 Survey of Reserve Component Spouses thumbnail

Spouse Survey

These surveys look at the experiences of military spouses. Separate surveys are conducted for active-duty spouses and reserve component spouses.

Results from the 2023 Survey of Reserve Component Spouses now available.

2022 Exceptional Family Member Program EFMP Survey

Exceptional Family Member Program Survey

This DOD-wide survey provides insight on the experiences of service members and families enrolled in EFMP and their satisfaction with the services and support provided. The survey focuses on the three components of EFMP: identification and enrollment, assignment coordination and Family Support.

2020 Status of Forces Survey of Active Duty Members SOFS-A

Status Of Forces Survey

These annual surveys of military service members look at the experiences of service members across all military branches. Separate surveys are conducted for active-duty service members and reserve component service members.

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