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Service Provider Toolkit — Family Advocacy Program

Everyone deserves to live in a home free from abuse. As a Family Advocacy Program manager, clinician, advocate or other staff member, you are a trusted confidant and provider of resources to the military community. You are in a unique position to help those affected by child abuse and neglect, domestic abuse and problematic sexual behaviors in children and youth.

The Defense Department is committed to the safety and well-being of military families. Being safe, secure and free from abuse is a basic human need that our military families should not have to worry about. Resources are available to help you educate and support those who need it.

This toolkit provides you with the resources, training opportunities and tools you may need to assist your military community. Each program topic offers you two sets of resources:

  1. Provider-only resources that are for your use. They include items you can download, print (or order) and place around the installation to educate the community. They also include trainings and resources just for you.
  2. Shareable resources that are ready for you to offer directly to your service members, families and leaders.

Help make sure our military families are safe and healthy.

  • Take the trainings offered.
  • Connect victims of domestic abuse to FAP through the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator.
  • Offer the following resources and education to support your military community.

Review the Family Advocacy Program resource pages, including:

Display your service-specific campaign banners, posters and flyers throughout the year. Reference the MilParents Rock Campaign Identity Usage Guide for assistance on how to use the MilParents Rock campaign identity at your installation.


Marine Corps


Department of the Air Force

Defense Department

Additional resources

Recommendations and resources were created using guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

These resources include items you can download, print (or order) and place around the installation to educate the community. They also include trainings and resources just for you.



Marine Corps


Department of the Air Force

Defense Department

For commanders and leaders

Know the Signs

These resources will help service members and families recognize the early signs of abuse:

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